Saturday, June 27, 2009

Coming Soon...

About a month from now the San Diego Convention Center will not look like this. Wookies, klingons, mutants, superheroes, geeks & film icons will be spilling across downtown as far as the eye can see. They will all be here for one common obsession: Comic Con. Chris & Megan being huge geeks and filmmakers themselves will be here reporting it all - minus costumes. Stay tuned for our experiences come the end of July...

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Anonymous said...

As will I. I'll probably catch you in line at one of the panels. Nothing like waiting for six hours out in the hot July weather.

Megan said...

Yeah...but I always find it worth the wait.

Chris W said...

I agree, that's part of the Con experience. Sitting in the baking sun, geeking with the brethren. I love it. Con is one of those places you can strike up a random conversation with almost anyone about any thing.

Anonymous said...

Good news, I'm now logged in here forever. Bad news, I no longer get updated when someone replies to an entry. Strange.

Time to bring the sunscreen then!