Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year to all of you. Personally, I'm looking forward the chance to start afresh with 12 brand, spanking-new months. Despite the fact that we're only talking about the arbitrary choice of a specific date by a bunch of white guys in the 15th century, it's as good a day as any to hit the rewind or reset button.

Thank you for your support in 2010. Despite unexpected changes and necessary adjustments, we're still here, and I'm very grateful for those who take the time to read Things I Know About The Movies. It's my hope that, in 2011, our reach grows closer to the realm in which our goals have taken residence. In the next few weeks, look for an article with a bunch of capsule reviews of some of the bigger films I didn't take the time to review at length, and, of course, my list of the best films of 2010. I'd have that done already, but I'm waiting on a few films to open in my area. 2011's going to have a few surprises for you too, so keep your eyes open. I'm excited, and I hope you are too.

Mazel tov!


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